Espresso (or expresso, depending on your language and coffee preferences) Machine is finally here!

The trip to Montreal was finally a success!  with help from Marie and Giuseppe we are now up and running with fab Italian coffee.


Gather at 2:30pm for summer walk in the shade.  Birding led by Sally and Terry, our intrepid birders... rain, mud, snow, or hot summer weather & wind?

Shibori Workshop

Kathy Goddu, shibori artist and teacher with workshop participants.  Creating indigo dye magic.

Upcoming Show: Patterns of time through fabric and metal.

Artist Opening at GreenTARA Gallery

Barbara Zucker, Sculptor:  "Time Signatures"

Kathleen Goddu, Shibori Textile Artist: "Artistic Endeavors"

Friday, JUNE 9, 2017 Time: 6-8pm