Mid-January magic with cold and snow. It's been a few years since we've had both together. There's such beauty in the icy streams and the frozen confections they create.... but sometimes the camera can't capture the moment. I have never seen formations that remind me of Yellowstone arising out of our local streams, but today I did. Spectacular.
Candy Lab Chocolatiers have moved in and started production for the holiday season! Available online, at Keeler Bay, or by special order through GreenTARA.
Champlain Islands Candy Lab, LLC
First "pop up" activity!
Going into Winter
Fall weather brought the gallery to a close for the season. Please look for new shows starting May 2018. We are working on the exhibits over the winter and they promise to be quite wonderful. Additionally we will continue the different kinds of workshops, Sunday Morning Music, and Nature Walks. Keep in touch!