Hannah Dennison - The Quarry Project - Film

The Quarry Project, conceived and directed by Hannah Dennison, was a site-specific dance/theatre piece created for the Wells Lamson, one of the oldest, deepest granite quarries in our country, situated in the small village of Websterville, VT. Seven years in the making, the sold-out performances happened over 14 days in August 2022.

The film made from these performances will be shown at twelve locations during December, January, and the last showing in February is during our Great Ice festival. Feb 18, 4pm at GreenTARA - downstairs in the Video Temple space. Come warm up with a cup of cocoa and a beautiful film.

Teaming up with VICII

GreenTARA Space has teamed up with Vermont Institute of Community and International Involvement for a couple long-term projects. Bringing Amelie Essesse (and her film on Earthen Architecture and Women Builders here) was Part One of a longer opportunity and the CAFÉ Program with photographers from Cuba for June 2023 is the other art / architecture exchange project we are currently working.

So if you don’t see signs of activities at the Gallery it is simply that we are quietly working on the next steps. If you have interest in either of these two projects, please contact me. I will also be posting updates along the way….

Photos of us at CCTV and at UVM. Best to you all, enjoy this twinkly season!

Women builders and earthen architecture!

Here we are weathering both hurricane and election season... They do tend to overlap and look like they are getting worse, more dramatic with more casualties, but even so, we seem to make it thru with resilience and faith. Do I say this because I feel safe and sound, maybe, but still I recognize that in both situations it takes a belief in democracy, a reliance on communal energy, and an effort to build sustainability to get thru the trials and tribulation of the work at hand.

We cannot innocently sit by. We never could. To imagine beauty takes us all. Beauty is our interpretation of the eternal, our internalization of the immortal. We see it in Bierstadt's painting of Yosemite at The St. Johnsbury Athenaeum and we see it in our human connection with each other. We can eat a Gianduja chocolate in Italy or we can clean the muck out of the basement after a storm, it's all the same, we must bring heart to it. "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."

But back to GreenTARA : Kreamer & Kin Microbrewery is now at the Alburgh Golf Links, the Gallery hosted an Afghani Wedding Engagement Party for 50 people this past week, and GreenTARA has a visiting French architect from the Cameroon, Amélie Esséssé as guest this coming week. A segment of her film on WOMEN BUILDERS AND EARTHEN ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE IN AFRICA will be aired on Thursday November 17, 2022, on CCTV, at 6pm, a VICII program.
The Program Title is : African Women’s Traditional Building Practices - Today . This is a VICII Program thanks to CCTV and Sandy Baird, VICII. Co-hosted by Eric Agnero, citizen journalist / co-producer of VICII and Diane Gayer, architect / ecological planner. We will host a discussion with guest Amélie Esséssé about her film as a means of addressing the re-claiming of cultural identity, global architectural expectations, and climate change.

Please join us!

Fall into the Light

How do we manage to let the reflective light flow thru us when the push-pull of daily activities fills our mind, when the torture and pain of so many people surrounds us, and when the maelstrom of politically voices fill the airwaves… to focus beyond these forms and words is not easy. The hunter’s blind for shooting ducks and geese in Carry Bay shows us how close we are to both beauty and death. They both surround us…. and startle us awake.

Our amazing Webs

Funnel Weavers are spiders from the genus Agelenidae who build funnels in which they can hide out and wait for prey. To do this they construct a horizontal web that leads back to a funnel or hole, often in rockery as did this one in Monhegan Island, Maine.

In general, spiders are often more friendly than fearsome. When it comes to house spiders, they eat common pests, such as flies and mosquitoes. In the wild, they help control insect populations, as well as other spider populations. And they are an essential food source for predators like birds, lizards, and small mammals. Details thanks to: www.magazine.scienceconnected.org.

Spiders also remind us of our own intricate webs of connection. We build links across our physical boundaries and span long distances for community, for safety and security, as well as for attacking others,… even as our worldly webs dance across beauty.

To the moment at hand - we are celebrating three years of Kraemer & Kin at GreenTARA this weekend - Oct 15 & 16, noon - 6pm. K & K move out before the end of October in order to have Halloween festivities at “the (Alburgh Golf) Links.” Look for plenty of fun, apples, pumpkins, and spider webs there!

Boogie Woogie Transitions

A hand-painted copy of Boogie Woogie Broadway by Piet Mondrian now hangs in the Gallery. The painting was done as a gift of love between two people. But now we live between dancing storms and boogie woogie transitions of human endeavors.

GreenTARA will continue but Kraemer & Kin are moving full-time to the Alburgh Golf Links at the end of October. Final community celebration and party days at GreenTARA are Oct 15 and 16, 2022. Please join us in this.

But also!!! Week-end in the Islands (WITI) is Oct 8 & 9, 2022. GreenTARA is open and hosting Life in the Islands story-telling and recordings for the OurStoryBridge North Hero Library project www.northherolibrary.org/life-in-the-islands. If you are interested in sharing your story, please contact Diane Bahrenburg at dibahrenburg@gmail.com or 802-777-7402.

There is only Oneness

The Selkies - last Sunday! What a lovely day of art, music, and light flowing. While you may have missed the music, you can still catch the last weeks of “We the People” and “Do Trees have Standing?” Below is a copy of Susan Barba’s powerful poem “River”… This is about the Colorado River and what it means to give it standing.