PLEASE JOIN US FOR AN ARTIST TALK to be followed by a COLLAGE WORKSHOP taught by artist MISOO.
The Artist Talk and Workshop by Misoo are part of the art exhibit IDENTITIES: CULTURAL CREATIONS featuring artists Misoo and Wendy Copp and which runs: June 14 – July 14, 2019.
ARTIST TALK – OPEN TO ALL Sunday, June 23rd, 12:30 – 1:30pm followed by the Workshop 2 - 4pm. Misoo will talk about the fifteen-year process of her work and how she transformed herself from a child sexual abuse victim to a powerful giantess. The artist talk will include personal stories from sexual abuse victims.
WORKSHOP – Please sign up Sunday, June 23rd, 12:30 – 1:30pm followed by the Workshop 2 - 4pm Each attendee will be invited to create a portrait, using acrylic paint and collage. This session will focus on depicting ourselves in a powerful position and will end with a small group discussion of the work we make. PLEASE SIGN UP thru; appropriate for children as well as adults. Materials provided, but please bring additional images from magazines to use or share. COST $15.