"No Shopping this Side of Street"

This new sign at GreenTARA has meaning for us on many levels.

First, love supporting artist Kevin Donegan and his creative work. Second, am totally into the message of less consumerism the better for our health and that of the planet. And third, I hope this reads as a message of respect to our neighbors and their sense of privacy.

Kevin Donegan has been making art for over 15 years. Eschewing traditional education, he chose instead to emphasize mentorship, learning through doing, and living a multifaceted life. He primarily considers himself a sculptor, but flows back and forth between materials and modalities, such that “artist” is the only apt description. Kevin currently maintains a studio in Burlington, VT, which he shares with his partner, Susan Smereka.

Art is for me an organic process; a living, twisting, changing thing. It defies tidy explanations, resists containment, and is always jumping the fences erected around it. So, more than anything else, my art is the jumping, bucking, deeply held desire to roam free, be wild, and share in that expansiveness with others.